All Day

Project Interchange

Throughout Downtown ABQ + SOMOS Family Fiesta

Produced by Friends of the Orphan Signs. A wide-reaching initiative to create dialogue between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, this campaign asks the public to consider the relationship between our two […]

Sunflowers Across Albuquerque

Tom Cooper Kiwanis Park

Produced by ALMA. #SunflowersAcrossAlbuquerque is “planting” sunflowers made of a combination of paint and handmade mosaic tiles on 875 square feet of space at a local park with the goal […]

Eye for an Eye

2222 Central Ave. SE

Produced by Eamon Quigley. This independently produced mural represents the many different lives people live - everyone is at a different place yet we all live together. Through our senses […]

Community Murals/Messages

10th St & Park Ave

Produced by: Southwest Organizing Project What: Highlighting names of historic Albuquerque neighborhoods, culture, and issues, these 4 portable murals will be lit up at night with music, food, and games […]

SOMOS Family Fiesta

Harwood Art Center + Escuela del Sol Montessori

Come together with family and friends as one ABQ community for a full day of fun and games, music, and art! This free event celebrates what makes our city beautiful! […]
